
Planting trees is one of the ways each of us can help to improve the environment

On the 5th May the students from 8ºC planted four species of autochthonous trees in our school garden: the oak, the elm, the pine and the holly. The Chemistry teacher, Conceição Andril, the Headmaster Paulo Abreu and other two teachers were there too and watched this Comenius Project activity.

No passado dia 05-05-2011, a turma do 8ºC realizou a plantação de quatro espécies de árvores autóctones que foram: o carvalho, o ulmeiro, o pinheiro manso e o azevinho. Esta efectuou-se no jardim que rodeia o recinto escolar, perto do local onde os alunos costumam deixar as bicicletas e fez-se no âmbito do projecto Comenius. Tivemos ajuda do Sr..António,  contámos com a presença do Director da Escola, Prof. Paulo Abreu, de duas professoras, Manuela Fidalgo e Manuela Lima (nossa Directora de Turma) e da nossa professora de Estudo Acompanhado e de Físico-Química que nos acompanha neste projecto, Conceição Andril.
Quando chegámos ao local começámos por escavar um buraco onde estava, já feita, uma marca. Os alunos que escavaram foram: João Rodrigues, Daniel Seixas, Daniel Botelho e Sérgio Ramos. Depois de plantadas as árvores, foi a vez das meninas começarem a regá-las e de seguida tirámos algumas fotos.
Nós gostámos muito de plantar as árvores, pois para além de estarmos a contribuir para o bem-estar da natureza, contribuindo para o aumento de espaços verdes no nosso planeta, também nos divertimos todos juntos. Agora, somos responsáveis pelo crescimento destas árvores e, por isso, vamos ter que as regar!
Jéssica Rosa, 8ºC


Norway meeting

The second meeting took place in Trondheim, Norway during the first week of April to work on the project activities, its evaluation and the pupils’ festival. From 9 am till 2/3 pm it was time to work and then it was time to know more about the city, the school and rehearse for the Festival. The students stayed at Norwegian families and besides some of the activities/workshops that they also took part, they attended classes too.
On Monday after the activities and the meetings we went to a guided tour around Trondheim along with the pupils involved in the Project. It was a nice and interesting way to know more about this beautiful city of Norway. On the same day, teachers had a pleasant dinner at Hoeggen School provided by the Headmaster and the Norwegian teachers.

On Thursday, the Festival took place from 9 till 11 am. Everything went well and at 11 am the teachers took a bus towards a small town called Røros. We had lunch in the bus and two hours and a half after we were up in the mountains. There we had a delicious hot meal at a local restaurant and then we had a guided visit around Røros. This town was registered on the Unesco World Heritage list in 1980 for its distinctive character. Snow was falling down and we took loads of pictures while we listened to the guide telling us the history of the mining town of Røros.

Back to Trondheim we’ve met at a local pub. It was time to relax and then to say goodbye.
Students loved being in Norway and so did we. It was awesome.

*click on the pictures to see them bigger