
1st Challenge

What can you do to use to advantage the cold water that runs in the shower while you are waiting for the warm water?

Eg. We can water the plants.


Logo Contest

We are happy to announce that our logo was chosen among the logos that all the schools took to the contest.

Pupils working on the logos.


Isn't that something?!!

Cyprus meeting

Hello everybody!

The teams met, for the first time, in Cyprus during the first week of November to work on the project activities and its evaluation. During the mornings it was time to work. In the afternoons it was time to know a litle bit more about each country and its school. There was also time to visit the local monuments and meet the Cyprian culture.

 The teachers of all schools involved in the project.
Sorry Tasos! You are behind the camera : )

The Cyprian School, where the works took place.

 Local and historical monuments.

Teachers working.


A Path to Sustainability

Wellcome to E.B. 2,3 de Aradas Comenius Project Blog.

This blog will show our school's "Path to Sustainability", step by step!

Water footprints
The language of this blog is English, so everybody can participate.
Feel free to write your comments!
Thank you! In Portuguese: "Obrigado!"